Thursday 27 September 2012

Meet the world's poorest President

The 77 year old President of Uruguay, José Mujica is officially the world's poorest and most generous president,not because he cant be richer,but because he donates 90%  of his earnings to charitable causes.
 His nickname,is “el presidente mas pobre” translates to “poorest president”.He lives in a farmhouse which is under his wife’s name,  Lucía Topolansky, a Senator, who also donates part of her salary.

The President who took over office on the 1st of March 2010,said in a recent interview that the only big item he owns is his Volkswagen Beetle car, valued at $1,945 dollars (about N308,283) . He earns a salary of 

$12,500 a month (N1,981,250), but only keeps $1,250(N198,125) for himself, donating the rest to charity.Yahoo News reported that the President has no bank account. no debts, and he enjoys the companionship of his dog, Manuela. When his term is over, the President hopes to rest even more peacefully in his farmhouse, along with his wife and his inseparable dog.

There is something about leading by example. When you do, it becomes easier for other people to follow.

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